You know those couples that you meet who you immediately know are perfect for one another? That's how Jessica and Alex are. The way their personalities complimented one another and the way they interacted, you could just tell that no matter what they do, they always have fun together. One of their favorite things to do is go for evening walks at Indian Mounds Reserve, to watch as the daylight fades into night. This is the same place where he asked her to be his girlfriend and then six months later, his wife. Their engagement story is absolutely amazing and hilarious, and I could try to retell it, but I don't think I could tell it quite the way Jessica does on her
blog, so you should go read it and be ready to laugh and maybe even cry a's just that good.
The week prior to Jess and Alex's engagement session was a bitterly cold one, but somehow God had it worked out that the day of the session would be sunny and 60 degrees. Just like they had done so many times before, that evening we went for a walk at the Mounds. It was so beautiful! We walked the path along the creek, saw waterfalls, climbed on rocks, and shot until the sunlight was gone.
Jess and Alex, we are so excited to shoot your wedding in May and we have no doubt that God has awesome things in store for you two!
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